RF Explorer - WSUB1G PLUS Slim

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€194.93 €161.10
Product description
Would you like to test if your wireless device is actually transmitting, and at what level with which frequency? Then you need a spectrum analyzer like this one.
RF Explorer is a handheld digital spectrum analyzer and a very affordable tool for work in all ISM popular frequency bands. It is based on a highly integrated frequency synthesizer which offers high performance, compact size, low power consumption and low cost. It has been designed to be used equally well outdoor and indoor, and can be connected to a PC for extra functionality using standard mini-USB 2.0 connector.
This model has a wide band coverage to low frequency and all popular sub-1Ghz ISM bands, including 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz and 915MHz, also including UHF TV, 70cm and 33cm HAM radio, GSM, LoRa, etc. Any frequency from 50kHz to 960MHz is covered.
More information is available on the website of Seeed Studio.