CAN-FD Shield - CANFD & CAN2.0

CAN-FD Shield - CANFD & CAN2.0

SKU: 102991775
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Product description

The CAN-FD Shield is a reliable and versatile solution for adding CAN-BUS (CAN-FD) capabilities to your Arduino projects. With its MCP2517FD CAN Bus controller, SIT1042T CAN transceiver, and built-in SD card slot, it makes it easy to build an onboard diagnostic device or data logger for vehicles.

This extension board is compatible with both CAN-FD and CAN 2.0 protocols, featuring an industrial standard 9-pin sub-D connector, selectable OBD-II and CAN standard pinouts, adjustable chip select and INT pins, and Arduino Uno pin headers.

More information is available on the website of Seeed Studio and Longan Labs.

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