Bias-tee Power Amplifier (TX)

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€32.67 €27.00
Product description
The BT-100 is a wideband bias tee TX Power Amplifier (PA) that draws its current from the bladeRF 2.0 micro’s SMA connectors. The BT-100 is versatile PA that is an ideal intermediary or final stage amplifier in a TX chain. bladeRF-cli and the libbladeRF API can be used to enable and disable the bias-tee when it is needed.
- Features Mini-Circuits PHA-1H+ MMIC Amplifier – 50MHz to 6GHz MMIC
- Power consumption: 200mW
- Blue LED power indicator
- Gain: +15.7db @ 200MHz, +11dB @ 2.4GHz
- Noise figure: +1.6dB @ 200MHz, 3.1 @ 2.4GHz
- Minimum output IP3 of +38dBm
More information is available on the website of Nuand.