9DoF IMU Breakout - ISM330DHCX, MMC5983MA (Qwiic)

Product description
The Sparkfun Qwiic 9DoF IMU Breakout combines the high-performance ISM330DHCX 3D digital accelerometer and gyroscope from STMicroelectronics with the highly sensitive MMC5983MA triple-axis magnetometer by MEMSIC to give you an ultra powerful and easy to use Qwiic enabled breakout board.
With a full scale acceleration range of ±2/±4/±8/±16g and a wide angular rate range of ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000/±4000dps, as well as an unmatched set of embedded features (Machine Learning Core, programmable FSM, FIFO, sensor hub, event decoding and interrupts), the ISM330DHCX delivers high performance at very low power. Add the MMC5983MA, which can measure magnetic fields within the full scale range of ±8 Gauss (G), with 0.25mG/0.0625mG per LSB resolution at 16bits/18bits operation mode and 0.4 mG total RMS noise level and you have Nine Degrees of Freedom on one little board.
More information is available on the website of Sparkfun.